Taking about frequencies: plotted against the latitude, its almost as if they had the frequency period of a fingertip. What would cause that I wonder?
Never mind I am content to leave it in the eminently capable hands of science until Jehovah decides to tell us.
I wonder what the frequency of a tornado is and also has the bidden administration anything it wants to hide on a bad news day?
Presidented bidden it’s almost like God named him. Hang on a called one from the east. I don’t think it meant yeast. Odd the Christians, when they got the chance, fled to Pella when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by Rome. Jews got chucked out of Rome but that was in the west. Still west though but they couldn’t get to Rome could they:
Alexander III was born in Pella, the capital of the Kingdom of Macedon,[8] on the sixth day of the ancient Greek month of Hekatombaion, which probably corresponds to 20 July 356 BC
This looks like a BAAD spell.
I will have to look at the world news for tornadoes its that bad.
https://watchers.news/stormwall/#/videos https://watchers.news/category/severe-weather/tornadoes/ I wonder what a Derecho looks like on the North Atlantic chart
It’s not over but it is over the east HTH. I think generically that it would be better for me to pray for ilumination rather than help for the USA. They seem to be getting what they asked for. No there is nothing stopping anyone asking Jehovah for help. he calls himself the Hearer Of Prayer.
Still going on. What I am looking at, or for rather, is tee shapes or jellyfish fronts, they seem particularly active when a jelly baby “Dual” appears.
If I was getting paid for this I might employ a computer expert to produce suitable graphics. Scientists seem incapable of doing a proper job.
Over Britain now and easing off. It looks like heading out to the North Sea
I hope everyone stays safe. Help us Jehovah and open our eyes and hearts.
Whilst I am on my knees hypothetically, God help all women with breast cancer :
For I am lonely in need of someone as though I did something wrong somewhere, I don’t know where. I don’t know where, come lately. Something happened during the covid crisis, every fool and their child got caccinated.
Baseline 2019: incidence in America women under 45 with breast cancer: twenty thousand five or six hundred plus or minus ten?
2019| 26,660; 2020| 26,500; 2021| 26,510; then it doubled but we don’t know why.
2022| 47,000; that’s a nice round number. Pity we haven’t got the final numbers for 2023, hang on: 2023| 29700; umm maybe it will go down after June. God help us all.
No wonder they wanted your assault weaponry. America/ cancer.org
If you want to kill your wife’s vaccinator, you need a van, a spade/ shovel and an overgrown place to bury it/him/her/he/she.
Dig an hole somewhere far from home, chop her/his head with the sharpened shovel. Tip his/her innards down a large drain and pour bleach over the blood. Take the body to the hole and bury it. Burn the van and your clothes outside a city in another region. Walk or cycle home.
If you are not fit enough to hike home in a couple days, you shouldn’t be considering killing murderers. Shove it up a sewerage outflow on a beach with a large tidal range or buy some live pigs.
I dare say dark humour no longer appeals to woke people but that is likely because it is a sentiment aimed at them. Please don’t take it personally, I no longer dream of doing such things.
I admit I have gone into the idea rather darkly but it was a long time ago.