Of all the hot potatoes I have just been offered this. Last night I was trying to create a new identity on Google, the AI behind the password wouldn’t accept, so I gave up.
Maybe the angels were protecting me from things I would rather not see in my seventh decade. Personally I am of the opinion Gog of Magog is the deep state arm of the canaanites.
When I was young we had a coal fire and the guardian of the grate represented a casting of Gog and Magog. My father told me that they are the guardians of the Tower of London. To be honest I was not really listening, I think that is what he said. The City of London being different from the actual place, somehow…
I think what he meant is Westminister as opposed to the regular city which the Jews controlled, Jews in this case being the sons of Ham called Canaan as in
Cursed be canaan let him serve the servants of his brothers Genesis 9.
Biblically, the Jews had a problem with canaanites, they were not supposed to marry them but thy always did.
I am not necessarily antisemitic the popular meme about Jews being elites and baby eaters like the clintons come to us from the people who took over the temple at the time of Christ, the ones intent on making the sacrifice. Thereafter the Jews acceptable to Jehovah became the first Christians. They saw the signs of the times when Rome surrounded Jerusalem and then withdrew, allowing those trapped to either flee or fortify the city. A people not his people that is the Jews who refused to follow Christ.
The Romans withdrew for about four years nobody knows why, having been told to strengthen their reserves perhaps; the problem with history is that politicians keep things secret. Generally historians only report what happened they don’t always understand why.
Some four years later(?) the emergency was over and Rome came back for blood. Rome took on a Jew to be the historian, a man called Josephus.